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Additional Information
Ask ChatGPT for papers which deal with using neural networks for generating Solidity code! No, really.
And ask it to write you an ERC-20 equivalent chaincode.
And ask it to introduce Fabric MSP-based ownership management.
(Try not to think of Asimov's robopsychology.)
It's not a coding wizard yet, but definitely uncanny.
Furthermore, we expect to experiment with Behavior-Driven Development; this means Gherkin/Cucumber.
Technology/approach for runtime verification ( will depend heavily on the results on the "constructive" side - we do not want to make a commitment on this at this point.
Learning Objectives
- Hyperledger Fabric chaincode programming (if that's not already in the candidate's toolbox)
- Experiment planning and evaluation
- Working under guidance and collaborating using open-source tools
- Analytic thinking - and also thinking a bit outside the box