- Add the functionality to parse function signatures with associated types out of MIR to cbindgen (either by itself or in addition to Rust source code)
- Write tests that will cover the functionality of parsing associated types in cbindgen
- Open a PR to merge this code into cbindgen, progress with further tasks as we wait for this to be approved
Eval 2:
- Use iroha_ffi to generate extern functions out of existing Rust code
- Make corrections to the iroha_ffi library in this process if needed or write manual implementations of extern functions
Eval 3:
- Use cbindgen to generate C .h header files out of extern functions in the Rust source code
- Conduct manual testing
- Address the code bugs
Eval 43:
- Document the mentorship results
- Create a small app demonstrating that you have successfully linked the shared object with the C header files
- Present your results