The project will enable users of the fabric utility emissions channel to use offline private key to sing transaction proposals.
Offline signing will be integrated into the channels javascript REST API using the Metamask plugin.
We will also look into using the TrustID project for managing DID access potentially using TrustID for securing access of DIDs to different networks of the blockchain carbon accounting project.
The first step in this project is to setup offline signing following this tutorial. This involves includes several steps:(1)
- generate a csr using some client provided private key / encryption algorithm. (e.g. ECDSA prime256v1);
- include the self-signed csr generated from the private key when enrolling new user with the fabric CA client;
- build endorsement proposal with transaction payload
- and sign using the private keys encryption algorithm
- ;
- send signed proposal to required peers and check responses;
- if
- valid build a new commit with the endorsement from (2), sign commit with the private key encryption and send to peers;
see function offlineSign(idx,network,chaincodeName,tx_params) in /asset-transfer-basic/application-javascript/app.js