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  •  e.
  •  f.

Eval 4:

  •  g.
  •  h.


May 24 - May 28Set up project plan.  
May 31 - June 11Review TrustID from our previous call.  Develop plan for integrating Fabric, TrustID, and Metamask.  Integrate TrustID with Fabric.
June 14 - June 25Finish integration of TrustID with Fabric.  Integrate Metamask into TrustID to sign Fabric transactions.
June 28 - July 2Get ready for first Evaluation
July 5 - July 9

Demo of signing Fabric transaction with Metamask thru TrustId.

Eval 1

July 12 - July 23

July 26 - August 6

August 9 - August 13

August 16 - August 27

Eval 2

August 30 - Sept 3

Sept 6 - Sept 17

Sept 20 - 24

Sept 27 - Oct 1

Eval 3

Oct 4 - Oct 15

Oct 18 - Oct 29

Nov 1 - Nov 5

Nov 8 - Nov 12

Eval 4

Final evaluation and presentation of project 


Github issues macro


Explanation of the project goes here.


Methodology followed is here.This project will offer tools for the signing of transactions/contracts in a distributed network  using trusted identity credentials that are fully controlled by private keys held by the client rather and not hosted in a password protected key-store.


The project will use the TrustID project, including an SDK to interact with the trustID solution (DID generator/manager) implemented as Fabric chaincode.

TustID generated DID credentials will be used to sign transactions on the utility emissions channel Fabric network. 

Rather than hosting a password protected copy of the DIDs private key within the TrustID-SDK, the keys are too be stored on the client side. The plan it so configure a custom RPC on the Metamask plugin (however any client key store could be used) to sign transaction payloads destined for the emissions channel.

This will require over-ridding the key-store management in the trustID-SDK.

The role of Trust ID is authenticating the DIDs as a security layer for a desired network where the payload is delivered.

TrustID-sdk currently provides drivers for delivering payloads from the same DID to different (potentially multiple) Hyper-ledger networks. However, new drivers may be developed to use the same DID for access to other networks requiring the security provided by TrustID (e.g., besu)

Questions?: TrustID security and decentralization 

The admin.(?) of the TrusID chain-code authenticates and delivers the payload to the registered network as the admin (not the registered user).

As I understand this mean the TrustID admin has to be an organization registered to the Fabric network as a proxy for the registered trustID credentials? Payload approvals need to be registered somewhere,  should this occur on the TrustID nework?.  

Do we care about TrustID network structure - i.e. how many peers do we need. I guess for development 1 is enough but a real use case would benefit from multiple both from a performance but also to represent different interest (i.e., more than one organization that operate the TrustId chaincode) ...

During the video I recall a conversation about how to use TrustID to perform the authentication only and send the signed payload as the authenticated user, f. From the Video call with Maria I understood that this is not straightforward, but could be done by implementing TrustId as system chain-code at the lower level (e.g., like fabric validation, endorsement chain-code). 

I guess this is outside the scope of this mentorship, but maybe seomthing to look into.?