Project ID |
Project Name |
Innovation Tagline |
Project Keywords |
Project Description | Evaluation Criteria |
Relative Weight (%) | Score out of 5 |
Presentation | Does demo satisfy original proposal statements? |
| Have you proven solution against realistic data? What methodology was followed to obtain the same? |
Solution | Describe the solution |
| Why is your solution better than existing/ state-of-the-art solutions? |
| Does your solution have any Environmental, Social or Governance impact? |
| Did you socialise your project or interact with anyone in the community? What notes did they give? Please tag them. |
Define MVP and what you anticipate will be developed during prototype phase |
Project Plan | What does project growth plan look like? What timelines are you looking at? |
| How do you plan industry adoption? |
| How will the project be sustained? What are the skills that need to be hired? |
| Does the team agree to opensource it to Hyperledger Labs? |