- @Baohua Yang
- @tong li
- @Luke Chan
- @DuPeng
- Dixing Xu
- xie ruitao
- Nancy Min
- Priyanka Vats
- hightallwill demo the setup workflow;
- hightall demoed the latest workflow, there's remaining work, to be done within the week;
- Tong Li (Deactivated) tested the user dashboard, and open issues for the error messages.
- Discussion with guangfa team about the integration as a new agent.
- We currently have k8s agent based on kubectl cmd;
- Will it be good to adopt REST APIs?
- We do not have Guangfa team for this week's meeting.
- Priyanka Vats Want to know the way to setup dashboard
- There is an automation framework based on k8s and ansible script;
- TODO: Next week will demo and brief the functionalities.
- hightallwill demo the setup workflow;