In the official Iroha repository You have sample configuration files, You can use them to run a node (here is: documentation of command line arguments). I suggest to read description below before running the command:
irohad./build/bin/irohad \
--config $PWD/home/configexample/config.docker \
--keypair_name $PWD/home/keysexample/node0 \
-genesis_block $PWD/homeexample/config/genesis.block \
#-overwrite_ledger -drop_state
- path to config file, in the config postgres is choosen, so it must be running--keypair_name
- path to private and public keys of a the node-genesis_block
- path to genesis block (first block of network)-reuse_state
- not create network from beginning but use existing-overwrite_ledger -drop_state
- DANGEROUS - it will erase the network (both database and files)