AI Tools workflow
- Document code
- write README
- Modify code with proper variable names and comments
- Modularize code
- Write down the rough points
- Give as many details and instructions as possible. More the details, the more optimized the outcome
- Use the following ChatGPT prompts:
- Rearrange into a well-structured document, rearranged as paragraphs. Improve the content. Add more details and also add many missing points on the topic.
- Write this content as points. give proper details of each point. Include the how, why and what for each point with an example
- Rewrite the document so that it can be easily understood by a contributor/newcomer/maintainer/businessman and caters to the requirements of that particular group
- Give the context on why you need it. Example: I am preparing for my tech interviews. That way it will limit the details and cater more to the requirement
- Rewrite using best documentation practices for [README/technical article, etc]
- Make the content SEO Optimized