Many Central banks are contemplating the release of CBDC. CBDC drives most of the institutional interaction with Central banks today, this can be seen as "Wholesale CBDC". This is a well understood concept and is used every day. CBDC for retail is what we are really talking about when we say CBDC.
Talk at Boston Hyperledger Meetup with Public Sector SIG
Vipin Bharathan, chair CMSIG
CBDC rationale, design & challenges.pdf - the pdf handout
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NESXO0SIsw - the youtube meeting recording
Central Bank Digital Currency: Towards A Composable Standards-Based Implementation-- link is available in
Review of Whitepaper on CBDC
Numerous Articles on CBDC (in medium as well as Forbes) from Vipin
The European Central Bank organized the experts from ESCB to create a PoC under their EuroChain research lab. Working with Corda and Accenture to implement this.