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Project TitleSemantic tools for interoperable climate accounting

titlePending TOC Review

Primary Focus



  1. Develop a deeper understanding of the practical complexities of climate impact accounting, and anthropogenic impact accounting in general.
  2. Develop a deeper understanding of ontologies, as used in the semantic web, and specifically the AIA ontology.
  3. Gain practical knowledge of SSSOM, SHACL and either SPARQL or AI algorithms for semantic data processing (the latter depending on the mentee's skillset and interestinterests).

Expected Outcome

  1. SSSOM maps that map AIAO to at least two prominent vocabularies.
  2. A SHACL shape graph that can be used to validate that annotated data conform to AIAO.
  3. Tagged impact documents from at least 10 representative case studies, stored in an appropriate open source graph database.
  4. EITHER (a.) an AI model to annotate further documents according to AIAO, OR (b.) a constrained SPARQL endpoint for querying annotated climate impact data. The choice between (a) an (b) will depend on the mentee's skillset and interests.

Relation to Hyperledger 

The Standards Working Group of the Hyperledger Climate Action and Accounting SIG (CA2-SIG).

Mentee Skills

The mentee must have:

  1. An interest in climate accounting.
  2. A background in software development and/or data analysis.
  3. Knowledge and experience of semantic web technologies are not required, but are highly recommended.

Mentee Open Source Contribution Experience

Open source contribution experience is not required, but is highly recommended.

Future plans

The Standards WG will continue to map further existing vocabularies to AIAO in order to contribute to greater interoperability between all impact accounting standards and methodologies. The Standards WG will furthermore produce tools and guidelines for less ambiguous, more comparable climate and other anthropogenic impact accounting.

Mentor(s) Names and Contact Info

Christiaan J. Pauw,, Nova Institute NPC.

Alfonso Govela ?

Alex Howard,