Bio Link: https://linkin.bio/sauradipghosh/
Portfolio : https://sauradipghosh.vercel.app/
Current Year: 3rd Year (Expected Graduation: 2025)
Degree: Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science in Computer Science
Languages : C++, Java, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, SQL
Technologies & Frameworks : Bootstrap, Tailwind, React, Next.js, Redux, Recoil, Node.js, Express.js
Softwares and Tools : Linux, Docker, Kubernetes, Ollama, Figma, Postman, Canva, Git & GitHub , EC2(AWS), S3(AWS), Vercel, Netlify, Cloudflare, Nginx
Databases : PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB , AWS S3, DynamoDB
I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science at MAKAUT University in India. During my studies, I have gained experience in various programming languages, including Python and C++, which I learned in my first year of college. I then specialized in backend programming and became proficient in frameworks such as Node.js and Express.js. Additionally, I have a good understanding of front-end programming using JavaScript libraries such as React and Next.