Welcome and opening remarks. - Reminder that the meeting is being recorded
Reading of the Linux Foundation anti-trust policy
Welcome to the first meeting and agenda overview
Introductions - Since this is the first meeting, there are lots of people so please keep this brief!
Your name & company
Your geographical location
One thing you hope to gain from the group
Aims and Objectives for the group - Objectives for this group. Discussion.
What do we want this group to achieve? e.g. standards development, software development, co-authored papers
Draft Charter
Volunteers to develop the Charter
Goals for the first three months
We meet on Zoom every two weeks
We take a presentation from a member at each meeting
We develop the Charter to reflect the Aims and Objectives
We develop our Wiki into the resource that we would like to use
Membership directory
Volunteer to administer the membership directory
Times and dates of Future Meetings
Proposal to hold future meetings at 17:00 UTC on the following dates;
22 January 2019
5 February 2019
19 February 2019
5 March 2019
19 March 2019
Volunteers to develop the wiki (a leader plus contributors)
Forward Agendas
Requests for future agenda items
Presentations from members
Any other business