This meeting is being recorded Join Group https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/learning-materials-development-wg
Welcome to Hyperledger - Getting Started - For New people to the Community
II. TRAINING : EdX Update / Discussion
LFS176x Hyperledger Besu Essentials: Creating a Private Blockchain Network LINK
CONSENSYS ACADEMYBasics for Developers LINKBuild with Hyperledger Besu LINK |
Github Updates: LMDWG GitHub Repository "New https://github.com/hyperledger/learning-materials-dev |
2. ** University Course Project: Committee Chair: John Carpenter and Members Hardik, and Madhu: Current outreach for reviewers: Will add email addresses and have the review run for the month of November (1st-30th). Access will be located at https://reviewmyelearning.com |
3. Including Multi Language Courses in GitHub See Notes Alfonso |
Thursday, November 4 at 22:30 UTC / 18:30 EDT: Hyperledger Boston hosts "What are Blockchain Employers Looking for in a Candidate?"
Friday, November 5 at 14:00 UTC / 10:00 EDT: Hyperledger Boston hosts "ATARC: Blockchain technology for voting in elections can deliver benefits"
Interested Hyperledger contributors can also add these events to their calendar by using the ICS feed at:
And recordings of past meetups can be found on the Hyperledger YouTube page at:
3. Developers
Contributor Experience WG. Proposed https://start-here.hyperledger.org
New Projects looking for community support - Try them out!
- [Blockchain Automation Framework] Updated vault write command to support large file sizes
- [Blockchain Carbon Accounting] Cactus integration
- [FireFly] Fabric plugin
- Orion is accepted as a new labs project.
- Blockchain Automation Framework v0.10.0.0 is released. The release has important updates such as vault secret engine version 2 support, Hyperledger Besu deployment with an option to choose consensus.
4. Community Authors
Community Spotlight | |
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1492086126/Hands-On Smart Contract Development with Hyperledger Fabric V2: Building Enterprise Blockchain Applications 1st Editionby | |
https://www.amazon.com/Blockchain-Explained-Become-Terms-English/dp/9391030823 Blockchain A to Z Explained: Become a Blockchain Pro with 400+ Terms ( English Edition )
| |
https://www.amazon.com/CryptoDad-Future-J-Christopher-Giancarlo/dp/111985508X/ref=sr_1_3? CryptoDad: The Fight for the Future of Money 1st Editionby | |
Architecting Enterprise Blockchain Solutions 1st Edition
| |
3. New project and Announcements:
4. Hyperledger Community Blog
Scouting: Our first mentorship spotlight blog post is up: https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2021/09/20/hyperledger-mentorship-spotlight-global-scouting-of-dlt-blockchain-educational-opportunities
Giving Chain: Thank you Mona https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2021/08/25/the-giving-chain-blockchain-powering-generosity
- The second Wednesday of every month at 9 am PT Join Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/92403869974?pwd=V0ZFSmdpdmFjVDloUVJFQ2RzZjIzdz09 Meeting ID: 924 0386 9974 Passcode: 914129
- Meeting Developer Relations
6. Old Taskforce: : Whitepaper and Greenhouse Graphic Update Taskforce
HL Whitepaper & Greenhouse update task force
- Landscape V1- Tracy: https://landscape.hyperledger.org/projects
- Wireframe of SIG/WG cards:
- Review Charter doc edits:
7. Youtube Channel Link Hyperledger Global Forum recordings for the 2021 sessions
IV. Wiki / Pages (Updates and Additions)
Vaccine Credentials US Subgroup Weekly CallCovidCreds.com
YkpmZXEzYWxJVWVzbUprV2ZyajFsUT09)Schema Task Force Bi-weekly Meeting
11:00am to 12:00pm
(UTC-04:00) America/TorontoWhere:
https://zoom.us/j/91832254938?pwd=dGt4OXE0SWdnbmc4RDFkQ3phQ3dlUT09Organizer: lucyy.cci@lfph.io lucyy.cci@lfph.io
Report on the status of the Project and goals for the week.
November 17th at 5 pm CET (11 am EST). Trade Finance Presentation
Mentorship Presentation
Project Pages and Resources
VII. New Business
Wolfrram - Course Addition from Leanne Ussher - https://www.wolfram.com/wolfram-u/