This meeting is being recorded
Join Group https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/learning-materials-development-wg
Participants: Bobbi Muscara Hardik Gupta, Alfonso Govela, Catarina Reis, Gopal, Piyush
CONSENSYS ACADEMY: Get Started with Quorum, Build with Hyperledger Besu https://consensys.net/quorum/developers/?utm_campaign=ConsenSys%20Newsletter&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=99877422&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-8KzlB_X2cwltg4X1aHAwNPqx1gKA7a2qQn4Q5sdA71jIRjyND_OKa1MuGB5o7Pi8oNSN-NDCY7Ym-v8riTH8Yey6uBbw&utm_content=99846592&utm_source=hs_email
Github Updates: LMDWG GitHub Repository "New https://github.com/hyperledger/learning-materials-dev |
2. The course on Enterprise Blockchain Technologies - with a focus on Fabric v2.2: https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/university-course. ** Starter kit :In labs, Proto-typing Blockchain Networks w/o Environment setup issues. https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/hyperledger-labs.github.io/tree/master/labs, Need for testers and coders. |
Happening this week (Week of May 17, 2021)
- Wednesday, May 19 at 16:00 UTC / 10:00 MDT: Hyperledger Denver hosts "Interactive Innovation Discussion With Craig Fischer At The U.S. Treasury Dept"
Coming up after this week
- "Thursday, June 10 at 15:00 UTC / 17:00 CEST: Hyperledger Budapest hosts "Is DLT / Blockchain the right technology for CBDC uses cases?"
New project for review by TSC
- Hyperledger Firefly proposal
- Presentation pdf
Devs Newsletter 2021 https://www.hyperledger.org/developer-newsletter
3. Marketing: Marketing Committee - Developer Relations sync
- Hyperledger TSC] Marketing Committee - Developer Relations sync
The second Wednesday of every month at 9am PT Join Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/92403869974?pwd=V0ZFSmdpdmFjVDloUVJFQ2RzZjIzdz09 Meeting ID: 924 0386 9974 Passcode: 914129- Next Meeting June 2, 10:00am EST
Marketing Committee - Developer Relations sync When: Wednesday, 2 June 2021 9:00am to 10:00am
(UTC-07:00) America/Los Angeles Where: https://zoom.us/j/92403869974?pwd=V0ZFSmdpdmFjVDloUVJFQ2RzZjIzdz09
- Next Meeting June 2, 10:00am EST
- New Task force: : Whitepaper and Greenhouse Graphic Update Taskforce
- Meeting Meeting notes2 May 14, 2021 Request for comment
- [Description:https://zoom.us/j/982600073 ( https://www.google.com/url?q=https://zoom.us/j/982600073&sa=D&ust=1579444171480000&usg=AOvVaw0I_F_63sHBa5NLZJ8cFSNj )
4. You tube Channel Link
5. Track Project Statistics https://lfanalytics.io/projects/hyperledger
- Hyperledger Labs- https://labs.hyperledger.org/ Working with Ravi to get his project into the Labs
- Ravi - Moving Starter Kit to Labs https://labs.hyperledger.org/labs/StarterKit.html
- Ravi - Moving Starter Kit to Labs https://labs.hyperledger.org/labs/StarterKit.html
- USE Case Continue to grow / Create presentation / Video for users to understand resource and how to use.
- Special Interest Groups and Working Groups: Need a Slide to advertise LMDWG
- Key Terms Hyperledger Glossary : Look at new format working on template Felix Moreno and other contributors
- Translations : https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/release-2.2/international_languages.html
- Blog to promote LMDWG https://www.hyperledger.org/news/blog
Vaccine Credentials US Subgroup Weekly CallWeekly from 2pm to 3pm on Thursday
from Thu Feb 11 to Wed Jun 30 Eastern Time - Toronto
https://zoom.us/j/93967194738?pwd=aVB4SkN5TENHSFIwSUJuNmsybXF3QT09 (map)Invitation letter from Linux Foundation Public Health (LFPH)
| |
Voting Working Group – Remote Voting Standards Meeting |
Global DeFi Summit 2021Click here to apply to speak. Jun 24, 12:00PM to Jun 24, 9:00PM EDTProduced by Blockchain Venture Studio Draper Goren Holm, the Global DeFi Summit is 2021’s leading annual gathering of DeFiers in the blockchain and cryptocurrency community. |
VI Old Business
- Global Forum Work on presentations.
There are two actions required from you at this time:
Select your preferred time for Hyperledger Global Forum Speaker Training by signing up HERE. During this brief speaker rehearsal, we will provide an overview of the platform, test your audio and screen share capabilities, and answer any questions you may have. To prepare, please review the Hyperledger Global Forum Hopin Speaker Guide.
We are asking all speakers to submit a PDF of their presentation to be posted for attendee reference on Sched.com. We have multiple options for uploading your presentation PDF:
Add your file directly into the Google folder (please email hyperledger-speakers@linuxfoundation.org to confirm we received your file)
Share your file directly with hyperledger-speakers@linuxfoundation.org
Upload directly to your session on Sched.com
Log into your Hyperledger Global Forum speaker profile through sched.com
Click "Manage Session" (next to your session)
Click "Add Presentation"
Click the "Select a File" box and add the pdf document (note: there is a 50MB size limit)
Click "Upload" and your slides will automatically be saved
Files should be received no later than Tuesday, June 1.
Additional Resource:
Presentation Template: An optional PowerPoint template is available to download for your use but is not required.
Contact Us:
If you have any other platform, speaker, or schedule-related questions, please contact Shannon Jesse, hyperledger-speakers@linuxfoundation.org.
Kind Regards,
Shannon & the HGF Event Team
- Record Welcome to the LMDWG and create pdf
- Our Learning Materials and Development Working Group submitted "The Hyperledger Map" for next HL GF 2021. A panel to show how our page can become an entry point to travel our inner universe of Hyperledger.
- Mentorship We have (2) summer internship program:
- to map similar resources at the outer universe, and to forge alliances with communities of similar interests Global Scouting of DLT / Blockchain Educational Opportunities
- To create a MVP for the Giving Chain
10 things to know about Hyperledger Mentorship Program . www.thegivingchain.org
VII. New Business
Arnaud's Request:
Hi all,
I'll have the opportunity to give an update at the upcoming Global Forum and I'm considering highlighting one major aspect of each project. What is the major development you would like me to highlight about your project that took place over the last year or that you are working on?
Note that I have limited time and can't get into any details so all I'm asking is for a bullet or two. My hope is to give people an appetite for finding out more in the follow up sessions
VIII. Close:
- Next Meeting 6/14/2021