I. Welcome
Join Group https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/learning-materials-development-wg
The Learning Materials Development working group reports to the Hyperledger Technical Steering Committee. It is focused on developing open source training material (licensed as specified by the Hyperledger Charter) to educate people interested in expanding their knowledge of Hyperledger and its projects. The working group will consult with other Hyperledger working groups, Hyperledger team members, and the project maintainers to identify training needs and develop strategies, as well as, material to address those needs. The output of this working group will be targeted towards both technical and non-technical audiences.
- EdX Updates:
EDX Status update from EdX on timetable for course ware support. There is a 1.4.5 branch coming out simultaneously soon. Version 2.0 is radically different and training materials need to reflect this. (presentation Ken Lay
- Current Available Options
- Fabric Tech. Course Developer Certification Exam and Course now is 1.3 . 2.0 will be different on the admin side.
- Differences between 1 and 2 https://medium.com/akeo-tech/hyperledger-fabric-2-0-released-with-various-updates-86bff4a9e0e5
- Chain Stack : published a very detailed tutorial on how to build a web app on top of Fabric v2 using Node.js SDKhttps://chainstack.com/deploy-a-hyperledger-fabric-v2-web-app-using-sdk-for-node-js/
- GitHub Repository New https://github.com/hyperledger/learning-materials-dev
- Nathalie's / Ravi's Report
- Monthly Meetup Organizer Planning Call for June: July 3rd
Meeting Details
- Day: June 5 (the first Friday of each month)
- Time: 16:00 UTC / 9 AM pacific (feel free to suggest alternate times)
- Dial-in: https://zoom.us/j/4336690939
- Google drive of Resources from Meetups
- Encourage all meetups to have a recorded session on file ..
- Hyperledger Australia/New-Zealand
- Day: June 5 (the first Friday of each month)
- Virtual Hyperledger Meetups:
Week of June 115, 2020
Saturday- Wednesday, June
- 17 at
- 22:
- 00 UTC /
- 18:00
- GMT-4: Hyperledger
- Wednesday, June
- 24 at
- 22:00 UTC /
- 17:00
- CDT: Hyperledger
Coming up after this week
Discussion of how we want to work together on virtual Hyperledger meetups- Tuesday, June 9, 2020
- Mexico City hosts "Fabric Technical Overview – Impartido por Baltazar Rodriguez de IBM Mexico"
- Tuesday, June 30 at 22:00 UTC / 18:00 EDT: Hyperledger Toronto
hosts "Hyperledger Fabric for Specialized Marketplaces: Honeywell Case Study with Lisa Butters" - Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 23:00 UTC / 18:00 CST: Hyperledger Dallas hosts "Blockchain in Telecommunications and Media"
- Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 18:00 UTC/12:00 MDT: Hyperledger Denver hosts Zach Denker-Feldman from Xooa and Joshua Ross from the University of Denver
- Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 9:30 UTC / 18:30 JST: Hyperledger Tokyo hosts meetup in Japanese featuring Fujitsu Labs and Oracle Japan
- Saturday, June 13, 2020 at 9:00 UTC/ 19:00 AEST: Hyperledger Sydney hosts "Blockchain by Design Thinking - Lenovo's story of transforming supply chain" Wednesday, June 17, 2020
- Hosts "Trust Over IP: Hyperledger Ursa, Indy, and Aires" with Stephen Curran
- Wednesday, July 8 at 22:00 UTC /
18- 17:00
GMT-4: Hyperledger Latinoamerica Chapter hosts a Spanish language event
Introductions - Review of resources available for running virtual meetups
- CDT: Hyperledger Mexico virtual meetup: Conversatorio sobre Criptomonedas presentada por Nancy SalaPast Virtual Meetups
- Monthly Meetup Organizer Planning Call for June: July 3rd
Marketing Home: We hope that you'll join the next Hyperledger Developer Relations-Marketing Committee Meeting 6/10 , link on public calendar , 2020-05-13 Meeting notes
9am PT Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/982600073
The purpose of the call is to discuss marketing related initiatives around the Hyperledger projects and community. This is a great opportunity for you to learn how to get involved in many aspects of marketing including overall messaging, events, content, social media, and PR, to further help the public hear about and understand Hyperledger and its community.
IV. Wiki / Pages (Updates and Additions) /\
[Hyperledger Cactus] Cactus Contributor's meeting Monday, May 18⋅10:00 – 11:00pm https://zoom.us/my/hyperledger.community.3
Description:Review and organization of roadmap and project issues:
- Call for Code Covid 19 Opportunities (links) WWW.COVIDCREDs.COM Tracker www.worldometers.info/coronavirus
TUE, JUN 2, 6:00 PM
CLOUD 2.0 - FUTURE CRYPTOCURRENCY PAYPAL!Cryptocurrency Convention #CCCNYC2 https://secure.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/3/c/5/2/600_463215442.jpg
Hyperledger Umbra: Simulating
Hyperledger Blockchains using Mininet
Raphael Vicente Rosa
Mentor: David Huseby
VI Old Business:
Kent Lau - Pharmacy Consultant / Fabric Developer / Healthcare SIGSIG
VII. New Business Working Group Work Product
Formal Proposal(s)
TSC Governing Document Management and Github
Formal Proposal(s)
Create a task force to do the initial migration and define explicit policies (e.g. merge requirements).
Common Maintainers management policy
- https://github.com/hyperledger/tsc/pull/1
- Governing Docs to be consolidated into a git repo
- https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/HYP/Working+Group+Proposals
VIII. Close Next Meeting June
29, 2020
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