I. Welcome
Join Group https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/learning-materials-development-wg
- 1. Blockchain for Business EdX Updates Technical . Now we need to stat developing technical courses for the projects. Sawtooth will have Tech Appl. Application course this fall. Indy, Aries and Ursa will have a course Oct - Nov VERY EXCITING , on Edx course.
- Technical Technical Course: each Project will have its own mini course. easier to maintain, Now we need to stat developing technical courses for the projects. Sawtooth will have Tech Appl. course this fall. Indy, Aries and Ursa will have a course Oct - Nov VERY EXCITING , Edx course[SCurran" . That course has been updated without any of the project chapters so it's no longer onlineTimeline for project courses.
- Rocket Ch at[SCurran" . I'm also co-authoring two courses right now on SSI, Indy, Ursa and Aries that will be launching on edX soon.]
- 2. GitHub issues: Need maintainer https://github.com/hyperledger/education: old version of Edx course , no maintainers . Flavia suggests starting fresh with new material. Link to new Git hub hub, Ravi has a report
III. Wiki / Pages (Updates and Additions)
Team Page / Task Signup
Resources Page
Key Terms: Group needs to develop a glossary of terms for the community - group members will work on.
- What documentation has been developed
- What documentation is needed
- How can the LMDWG help
VI. Presentations
Meet-up Wrap up of the Summer Project None
VII. Old Business:
VIII. New Business
- Jim : He has some screen shots that he can share and will test out and share with us the super cool new Android 10 application to set up a Fabric instance on your phone.
- Courses SIG specific in Edx
IX. Close Next meeting September 9th 23, 2019,