I. Welcome
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- 1. Blockchain for Business EdX Updates Technical . Now we need to stat developing technical courses for the projects. Sawtooth will have Tech Appl. course this fall. Indy, Aries and Ursa will have a course Oct - Nov VERY EXCITING , Edx course
- Technical Course: each Project will have its own mini course. easier to maintain, Now we need to stat developing technical courses for the projects. Sawtooth will have Tech Appl. course this fall. Indy, Aries and Ursa will have a course Oct - Nov VERY EXCITING , Edx course
- [SCurran" . That course has been updated without any of the project chapters so it's no longer online. I'm also co-authoring two courses right now on SSI, Indy, Ursa and Aries that will be launching on edX soon.]
- 2. GitHub issues: Need maintainer https://github.com/hyperledger/education: old version of Edx course , no maintainers . Flavia suggests starting fresh with new material. Link to new Git hub hub,
USE Case Template: Create template that can be standard for all project. Need to add Hyperledger flavor to template. Wendy spoke on what her Health care Sig is working on. Suggested reading, "Frontiers in Blockchain" for Standards and evidence presented in use case in the healthcare field. Evidentary Proof.. Outcomes in use cases need to prove their value. Gordon commented with a caution about Data, What metrics are we basing META CASE STUDIES, Saptarshi, Quantify ROI with the evidence in case studies.