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- Aries Bifold (Aries Bifold User Group Meetings)
- Meetings suspended until September
- Aries Call 2023-08-16 30 Aries Working Group Call
- Discussion on peer did migration
- Stephen gave a presentation about ACA-Py migration
- Do we need to support unqualified DIDs for DIDExchange? Or just keep Proposed did:peer:1 and did:peer:2?It seems to us better to keep DIDExchange without unqualified DID support (it would be an step backward for us), as ACA-Py will support receiving did:peer:2 from step 1 of the transition)4 to replace all previous methods
- DID Rotate protocol
- Discussion on peer did migration
- Aries Interop Profile 3.0 continues to be discussed
- AnonCreds
- Ursa replacement with anoncreds-clsignatures-rs
- A few changes in the API (tails file not required anymore for issuing/revoking credentials
- Ursa replacement with anoncreds-clsignatures-rs