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- Aries Bifold (Aries Bifold User Group Meetings)
- Making changes to scanning logic and adding goal codes
- Adding concept of ephemeral connection, make QR code smaller when using connectionless proof request
- Aries Call 2023-0207-08 19 Aries Working Group Call
- Discussion on peer did migration
- Work being done on marketing, with survey
- Survey results:
Widget Connector url
- Survey results:
- Presentation from Aries VCX
- Working on making available to other languages using uniffi-rs
- Aries Interop Profile 3.0 continues to be discussed
- Load testing with Aries Mediator Service
- Uses AFJ as client and Locust as testing orchestrator
- does not start the infrastructure, but testing on an existing infrastructure (different from the aries agent load generator)
- currently implemented to work with an ACA-Py API
- Record the meeting
- Look at open issues / PRs
- Migration to new Askar / AnonCreds / Indy VDR
- Example of migration from indy sdk to Askar in Bifold:
- Multi-tenancy indy-sdk to Askar not implemented yet → please open an issue if you need this
- Deprecating the Indy SDK
- deprecate indy-sdk in 0.6.0?
- 0.5 will be last version with indy-sdk support, or should we already deprecate/remove it in 0.5?
- add deprecation warning to the framework already?
- need to coordinate with stephen
- moving to a bi-weekly call?
- Makes sense in the summer months
- reconsider after summer?
Meeting Notes
- New meeting invite:
Hyperledger Community is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Aries JavaScript Meeting
Time: Mar 23, 2023 06:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Thu, until May 9, 2024, 60 occurrence(s)
Recording / Slides
Future topics
Future Topics: