- If you are planning on attending aries-vcx call, feel free login to wiki and update the agenda below to include your discussion topic / question
- Alternatively you can simply join the call and we can discuss your questions and concerns
- Start meeting discussion
- Mentorship program
- currently evaluating applicants, see schedule: Hyperledger Mentorship Program#2023ProgramDates*
- Mentorship program
- Overview of recent work done
- credx issuer
- Upcoming work
- did-resolver crate integration
- vdrtools → credx wallet migration
- Priorities
- modular libs
- ledger - done (indy-vdr, indr-vdr-proxy)
- anoncreds - todo: provide vdrtools → credx wallet migration
- wallet - todo after ledger and anoncreds is done (askar)
- aries-vcx-core break down
- anoncreds
- issuer
- verifier
- holder + prover (or split?)
- anoncreds
- typestate pattern
- Typestate pattern holder
- Typestate pattern issuer
- new gen testing - connectionless integration tests for typestate holder+issuer
- modular libs