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- Lance Byrd (RootsID) <lance.byrd@rootsid.com>
- Rodolfo Miranda (RootsID)<rodolfo.miranda@rootsid.com>
- bruce_conrad@byu.edu (Pico Labs) <bruce_conrad@byu.edu>
Welcome / Introductions
- Aries Agent Test Harness (https://aries-interop.info)
- Aries Askar secure storage - https://github.com/bcgov/aries-askar
- Frameworks:
- Aries-CloudAgent-Python (https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-cloudagent-python, Meetings: ACA-Pug Meetings)
- Encryption envelope (Askar impl) not fully-developed yet. We could use different libraries (SICPA Rust). SICPA DIDComm impl is what will be used... resolves did peers natively. The keys will have to be transported out of Askar, but that is acceptable for now. SICPA is the most widely used.
- SICPA for DIDComm and did:peer https://github.com/sicpa-dlab/didcomm-python
- No near-term Askar support for the DIDComm v2 encryption envelope and core protocols.
- Protocols related to credential exchange and connection establishment. Distinguish between DIDComm v1 and v2. DID Exchange will be adapted. The main focus is on Out-of-Band protocol.
- Very important to extend the AATH.
- Encryption envelope (Askar impl) not fully-developed yet. We could use different libraries (SICPA Rust). SICPA DIDComm impl is what will be used... resolves did peers natively. The keys will have to be transported out of Askar, but that is acceptable for now. SICPA is the most widely used.
- Aries-Framework-JavaScript (https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-javascript, Meetings: Framework JS Meetings)
- Picos as Aries agents (DIDComm v1: https://github.com/Picolab/aries-cloudagent-pico ; DIDComm v2 work in progress)
- students have returned and they are using SICPA for envelope encryption
- DIF Picos working group, useful for IoT devices
- Swift Framework
- Veramo Framework
- WACI support https://github.com/uport-project/veramo/issues/1106
- DID Peer support https://github.com/uport-project/veramo/issues/1105
- Aries-CloudAgent-Python (https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-cloudagent-python, Meetings: ACA-Pug Meetings)
- Mobile:
- Aries Mobile Agent React Native, aka Aries Bifold (https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-mobile-agent-react-native, Meetings: Aries Bifold User Group Meetings)
- aries-mediator-service – a DIDComm Mediator in a Box
- working on Pickup support