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- Record the meeting
- Merging OOB / DIDExchange
- What's left? Who wants to help?
- Refactoring on `did:key` - Jakub Koci
- How to convert numalgo 2 did document to did - Jakub Koci
- Waiting on to be resolved
- If we change the algorithm, previous dids don't match anymore
- Public api - James Ebert
- passing id instead of record
- add methods to manage oob records
- DIDExchange record state and Connection record state - Jakub Koci
- Handshake reuse - James Ebert
- has done some work on handshake reuse, will create PR against oob branch
- Connecting with public did
- Migration scripts - Timo Glastra
- What's left? Who wants to help?
- iOS Simulator issues (Akiff Manji)
- Large blockers/challenges towards building the indysdk with the iOS simulator support
- The indy shared libraries react native wrappers will support iOS simulators
- It will be more effective to use the indy shared libraries to unblock this issue
- Question Answer Protocol (James Ebert)
- Will be added to core
- How to handle the growing size of dependencies
- Selectively add dependencies (more lean core)?
- Slim agent by default.
- No credential formats supported by default
- Should be added using JSON-LD / Indy plugins
- No storage implementation
- should be added using Askar or Indy SDK
- Can help with multi-platform deployments
- Worry about having a gazillion afj packages
- JSON-LD vs Indy
- BBS vs Ed25519
- Shared components vs Indy SDK
- Indy sdk types vs shared library types conflicts?
- Selectively add dependencies (more lean core)?
Meeting Notes
Future topics