- DID Specification reaches the end of the CCG phase. What's the status? Is a WG next? - Drummond Reed and maybe Markus Sabadello
- Namespacing options for DIDComm Protocols and Message Types - Troy Ronda
Examples of types of actions that are prohibited at Linux Foundation meetings and in connection with Linux Foundation activities are described in the Linux Foundation Antitrust Policy available at . If you have questions about these matters, please contact your company counsel, or if you are a member of the Linux Foundation, feel free to contact Andrew Updegrove of the firm of Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the Linux Foundation.
- The DID Spec (and DID Resolution Spec) at the end of the CCG. What is it? What's in? What's been left for the WG (if any)? What's next?
- Changing the namespacing identifier for DIDComm Protocols from did:sov:BzCbsNYhMrjHiqZDTUASHg to something else. aries-rfc#129. Options - did:aries, https, did:git, did:repo
- How to best talk about Aries interoperability, especially at public forums like IIW?
- Open Discussion
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