- DIF Interop Project
- Aries DID Method Spec
- DID Resolution / DID Spec Issues
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- Aries-CloudAgent-Python ( )
- Aries-Framework-Go (Troy)
- Project planning is being done via GitHub Projects ( with development tasks tracked at
- Current iteration focus is on framework infrastructure, envelope crypto, did:peer, DID web client resolution, DID exchange protocol, and a controller API to enable demos & integration/bdd tests.
- Aries-SDK-Ruby
- Moved to
- Released as a Gem at
- DIF Interop Project (15 min) - Orie
- What is the DIF interop project?
- How can Aries be used for Verifier or Subject roles in the project?
- What should I do if I see something that already exists in Aries?
- How can I contribute?
- Aries Community DID (and method) - How to make a base DID for protocols. (Daniel Hardman)
- Sam's concerns with diverging from W3C DID Resolution:
- Concerns that ephemeral DIDs are not supported in the W3C resolution spec
- Next Week's Call
- Open Discussion