Dan: The ISO has not been finalized - CD = committee draft. https://www.iso.org/standard/73771.html
Vipin: Two views: a) not the time to finalize. b) we should be engaged with TC 307. There is a message from Todd Little (Oracle), he wants to engage with the community. Large commercial interests may be driving ISO due to the membership requirements.
Dan: There are corporate folks and national standards bodies represented, not only commercial interests.
In TC 307 Identity is defined as with four dimensions a) natural person, b) legal entity, c) thing, d) process (ie software version)
Darrell: How does an IoT device use a wallet if all it does is manage or store keys? How far does Thing go? Are animals things or their own category?
Dan: Agents - more of the communications process - to make things happen with what's in your wallet.
Drummond: In defining governance frameworks, legal policies, Stewards. We paired wallet and agents. Wallet - storage facing side, six different things stored in wallet. Agent - active process to handle communications, processes, etc.
Issuer, holder, verifier - some comment everything is part of what a wallet does (comment from customer).
Drummond and Darrell: What do you think will be the evolutionary path? Embedded wallet - little desire for wallet apps sitting next to a banking application. Will go through stages - embedded industry/sector specific. Later, there will be a 'wallet' that perhaps manages, maybe discrete devices, operating systems. Interoperability rather than multiple apps. Mini wallet = embedded wallet = customer doesn't really know it's a wallet. Initial pattern. Discrete wallet app. Standards > operating system. Becomes a standard set of OS services such as today's touchID, faceID, etc.
Vipin: From here to there is the fascinating part. Amorphous nature of the term wallet. Human experience + digital realm where we interact with different services through portals. Unification of portals