- Vipin Bharathan- dlt.nyc
- Stephane Mouy
- Nitin Agarwal
- kellycooper.2ds
- Amit (AyanWorks)
- DeutscheBorse
- Gary de Beer
- Kaliya Identity Woman
- Kalyan Kulkarni(AyanWorks)
- Kamlesh
- Michelle Benham
- Ravikank Agrawal
- stmouy
- Sze wong
- Todd Gehrke
- Rohit (AyanWorks)
- Swapnali (AyanWorks)
- Lasse
- Roland
- Swapnali
- Drummond Reed
- Dan Bachenheimer
- Ankita (AyanWorks)
- Leonard Edwin
- LucaBoldrin
FATF Areas of focus - Please provide feedback.
Question? Can documents be subpoena? Has not happened yet, maybe in the future.
Question? Is it, for example, a pdf of driver's license or set of attributes?
APIs – first meta APIs. List of all issuers registered with the regulator. Issue providers. Certain document types. Get document lookup attributes. To search documents if not linked with Aadhaar number.