- The tasks of the WG:
- Takeover from VCCG - Verifiable Credential Community Group with a looser mandate and no participation by big Enterprises since when it started three years ago SSI was a fringe idea, now with a closed W3C WG bigger Enterprises are participating (Microsoft, IBM etc.)
- Work on the DID Spec
- Work on a suite of use cases
- Work on a rubric of DID characteristics
- Create a testSuite
- details of the DID layout and what it means
- Q: Is Ethereum involved? Yes Consensys member is a co-chair; in addition we have many members from uPort etc.
- Challenges around DIDs (openness); is DID:Facebook: legit?
- Reversibility- DIDs have nothing to do with blockchain, pairwise DIDs preserve privacy (not on the blockchain)
- Reveresibility- If on blockchain can prune.
- Watch video for full details
Kim Cameron will show up for a talk
CFP has been extended
ID2020 presentation will be done next time.