Notes from planning meeting on 5/29/19
Time: 10 AM pacific
Dial-in info:
By computer: https://zoom.us/j/4336690939
By phone: 1 646-558-8656 #4336690939
- Update on LF's DCI effort and the status of Hyperledger being a pilot project
- Discussion about merging our efforts into the CHAOSS project's Diversity and Inclusion in Open Source Working Group – their next meeting is June 3
- Other topics?
Notes from planning meeting on 4/17/19
Dial-in info:
By computer: https://zoom.us/j/4336690939
By phone: 1 646-558-8656 #4336690939
Dial-in info:
By computer: https://zoom.us/j/4336690939
By phone: 1 646-558-8656 #4336690939
Dial-in info:
By computer: https://zoom.us/j/4336690939
By phone: 1 646-558-8656 #4336690939
Dial-in info:
By computer: https://zoom.us/j/4336690939
By phone: 1 646-558-8656 #4336690939
Introductions (if there are new people on the call)
Mandy Olund to share research with the group
- Her slides are here: Community Health Effort.pdf
Karsten Wade to share resources
Ry to share update on metrics gathering for Hyperledger community
Notes and Actions Items
Dial-in info:
By computer: https://zoom.us/j/4336690939
By phone: 1 646-558-8656 #4336690939
Introductions (if there are new people on the call)
Jamie Smith, new CMO at Linux Foundation introduced herself
Identifying concrete next steps for the group
Finalizing on 2019 goals for the group
Rewriting/Updating the draft Charter
Notes and Action Items
Karen Ottoni presented & discussed through her work plan:
Jamie Smith introduced the next phase of the LF work on diversity, civility, and inclusion that includes several elements. She is interested in having the Hyperledger Foundation work via this committee as a pilot for doing similar across the LF.
Elements of next phase include: how to get underrepresented people into senior roles; how to set best practices for behavior & expectations across groups; new research group to look at how to capture and store data that shows the lay of the land and moving forward in a useful and non-threatening way.
Discussion of how this group’s efforts can become a pilot effort around various best practices to introduce across other LF properties.
Mandy Olund will be bringing research on (how job application criteria affects who applies) + (...) to a mid-Jan meeting [missed the date].
How often to meet?
Bi-weekly to keep energy & keep progress going
Dial-in info:
By computer: https://zoom.us/j/4336690939
By phone: 1 646-558-8656 #4336690939
Introductions (if there are new people on the call)
Review of action items from previous meeting
Mandy to take responsibility to find baseline diversity metrics/goals to bring to the group
David to set up regular meeting invite for the group -- biweekly and same time
Everyone to review and edit/comment the relevant working docs linked to in the agenda
David to put the docs in suggestion mode
Karen to put table together for objectives/goals
Identifying concrete next steps for the group
Drafting a goal and vision statement for our efforts?
Rewriting/Updating the draft Charter?
Notes and Action Items
Mandy -- focus on inclusiveness and welcoming will bring diversity. What’s the mechanism for getting baseline data -- for example surveys. As an open source group, we don’t have the same structures to gather data as other orgs -- for instance, other orgs get some data, such as gender, through the hiring process. We should define what the magic door is where we get information from people?
Survey information from last year: https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/tsc/message/1860
Options to consider:
Survey (probably best short-term option, but not something that is viable longer term, for instance survey fatigue will limit results)
Automated name guessing (Other LF projects have used this)
Community profiles (This would require infrastructure but having a place for people to self-report data about themselves is the best long-term option. This has worked for other communities. For instance, we have over self-reported gender information for over 90% of meetup attendees who use the meetup.com profiles)
Survey seems best for our needs and we’ll need to consider how to address issues with survey fatigue if we send surveys out regularly which is an issue that other communities have flagged that use surveys to gather diversity data through surveys. And we’ll need to understand how to collect and manage this data in appropriate ways for having personally identifiable information.
Goals discussion for this group are being captured in Karen’s goal tracking doc linked above.
Notes from planning meeting on 11/14/18
Recording of meeting: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1A0WdjfODyj79dpgWFM-U6fUB7j5G6R2Z
Note that this cut off the first part of the call where we were mostly troubleshooting a Zoom issue
Summary of previous discussions at TSC meetings
Review of relevant documents
Community Improvement proposal here
Summary of community health discussions at Member Summit and Hackfest in Montreal
Code of conduct: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/community/hyperledger-project-code-of-conduct
Next steps? What do we want to do as a group? What do we want to propose to the TSC this Thursday?
Can we decide on one concrete step to start before the end of the year.
My [Dan] bias is towards figuring out how we measure our diversity.
Options to consider:
Survey (probably best short-term option, but not something that is viable longer term, for instance survey fatigue will limit results)
Automated name guessing (Other LF projects have used this)
Community profiles (This would require infrastructure but having a place for people to self-report data about themselves is the best long-term option. This has worked for other communities. For instance, we have over self-reported gender information for over 90% of meetup attendees who use the meetup.com profiles)